Interpreter Switches

When running the chorus interpreter, the following parameters are supported.

Each parameter can be set as a command line argument. It also has a System property equivalent

Where a parameter value is set as a System property this will generally override any value set as a command line switch.

Switch (Short Form, System Property)DefaultExampleDescription
-featurePaths (-f, chorusFeaturePaths) No Default - Must be set -f c:\my\path ..\my\path ..\my\path\myfeature.feature One or more relative or absolute paths to the directories containing your feature files or paths to specific feature files. Directories will be searched recursively
-handlerPackages (-h, chorusHandlerPackages) -h com.mycompany.mypkg Packages to scan for Handler classes. Subpackages will also be scanned
-stepMacroPaths (-m, chorusStepMacroPaths) -m c:\my\path ..\my\path ..\my\path\mymacros.stepmacro Relative or absolute paths to the directories containing your stepmacro files or paths to specific stepmacro files. If not specified featurePaths will be used
-dryrun (-d, chorusDryRun) false -d (false|true) Whether to actually execute steps or just detect and log the discovery of handlers and step definitions
-showsummary (-s, chorusShowSummary) true -s (false|true) Whether to show the closing summary of pass/fail information
-tagExpression (-t, chorusTagExpression) -t @MyTagName One or more tags which can be used to restrict features which are executed
-jmxListener (-j, chorusJmxListener) -j myhost.mydomain:1001 Network address of an agent which will receive execution events as the interpreter runs
-suiteName (-n, chorusSuiteName) Test Suite -n My Suite Name Name for the test suite to be run
-showErrors (-e, chorusShowErrors) false -e (false|true) Whether stack traces should be shown in the interpreter output (rather than just a message) when step implementations throws exceptions
-logLevel (-l, chorusLogLevel) warn -l (trace|debug|info|warn|error|fatal) The log level to be used by Chorus' built in log provider
-logProvider (-v, chorusLogProvider) -v org.chorusbdd.chorus.logging.ChorusCommonsLogProvider ChorusLogProvider implementation used to instantiate Chorus Logger instances. Can redirect supplementary logging but not primary output. Set a custom OutputWriter if you want to redirect primary test output as well
-scenarioTimeout (-o, chorusScenarioTimeout) 360 360 Number of seconds after which a scenario will timeout
-executionListener (-x, chorusExecutionListener) com.mycom.MyListener One or more user specified ExecutionListener classes
-outputWriter (-w, chorusOutputWriter) org.chorusbdd.chorus.output.PlainOutputWriter -w org.myorg.MyWriter The output writer used to write primary test output for Chorus, if specified without a classname places Chorus in console mode
-console (-c, chorusConsoleMode) false -c Enable chorus console mode which is best when displaying output in a console
-profile (-p, chorusProfile) base -p myProfile The configured profile for use in selecting Handler properties. A Handler might load diffent configuration based on the current profile
-showStepCatalogue (-b, chorusShowStepCatalogue) false -b (false|true) Show metadata on steps supported by local handler classes and discovered by Chorus during the test run, includes invocation counts and cumulative time