Step Macro

There are times when you find yourself repeating yourself when writing features

For example, I have a scenario in which I fill in a log in form, entering username, password and clicking the OK button

Scenario: I log in using the login form
    Given I click the login button
    And the login dialog is shown
    When I type Nick into the field username
    And I type mypassword into the field password
    And I click the OK button
    Then I am logged in as the user Nick

I’d like to reuse these steps from other scenarios

I could implement a step method for the whole login operation which combines the above steps, e.g.:

@Step("I log in as user (.*) with password (.*)")
public void logIn(String user, String password) {

This would solve the problem, but I’ve had to duplicate the entire step sequence in Java code.

What I’d like is a way to reuse my login steps without repeating myself.
This is where step macros come in.

Removing Duplication with a Step Macro

To express the same thing with a Step Macro I could define a step macro in my .feature file.
Then I can refer to the macro in a step from my main scenario:

Scenario: I log in using the login form
    Given I log in as user Nick with password myPassword
    Then I am logged in as the user Nick

Step-Macro: I log in as user <user> with password <password>
     Given I click the login button
     And the login dialog is shown
     When I type <user> into the field username
     And I type <password> into the field password
     And I click the OK button

When the interpreter reads the feature, it first preparses any Step-Macro definitions.
Then, for each scenario step, it first tries to match the step text to any step macros which were defined.

If a matching macro is discovered then the step macro steps are inserted as child steps of the scenario step If any macro steps fail, then the scenario step is considered to have failed

Referencing a Step Macro from multiple features

If you want to use a step macro across multiple features, you can place it in a separate file with the extension .stepmacro:

#file: login.stepmacro
Step-Macro: I log in as user <user> with password <password>
    Given I click the login button
    And the login dialog is shown
    When I type <user> into the field username
    And I type <password> into the field password
    And I click the OK button
#file: login.feature
Feature: Log In 

    Scenario: I can log in using the login form
        Given I log in as user Nick with password myPassword
        Then I am logged in as the user Nick
#file: accountSummary.feature
Feature: Account Summary
    Scenario: Account summary link is shown when logged in
        Given I log in as user Nick with password myPassword
        Then the account summary link is visible on homepage

Step Macro FAQ

Q: Can I reference another step macro from within a step macro? A: Of course