Web Sockets Handler Details


The Web Sockets handler provides steps which allow Chorus to open a web socket to listen for connections for client processes wishing to publish step definitions. The chorus-js library provides a way for an app running in a browser to connect to the web socket and publish steps.

Typically test scenario will open a web socket and then start a browser (using Selenium Handler). The browser will then be navigated
to a URL which loads a web app which we want to test. The test scenario will then wait for the web app to be loaded and the browser to make a connection.

The web app will use the chorus-js javascript library to open a web socket connection to the Chrous interpreter and will publish its step definitions. Once the step definitions have been received, the interpreter will then proceed with the test and may invoke steps within the browser-based app by invoking them over the web socket connection.

How to use the Web Sockets Handler

You can use this by adding ‘Uses: Web Sockets’ to the top of your feature file:

Uses: Web Sockets

Using the Web Sockets Handler in a test feature

A typical feature file may start like this:

Uses: Web Sockets
Uses: Selenium

    Given I start a web socket server
    And I open the RemoteWebDriver browser
    And I navigate to http://mywebapp-url
    And I wait for the web socket client myWebAppPublisher
  Scenario: I can use steps exported from myWebAppPublisher
    When I enter a user name
    And I enter a password
    Then I can log in to the myWebAppPublisher app

You will need to ensure the chorus-websockets extension is on your classpath if using the JUnit Suite Runner, e.g. for a Maven project:


Configuring Web Sockets Handler

At present chorus only supports opening a single web socket server during each test feature This has the name ‘default’ You can configure the port for the ‘default’ web socket in the feature properties:

# chorus.properties:

If left unspecified, the port will default to 9080

See Handler Configuration for more details on configuring handlers

Closing the web socket

The web socket will be automatically closed at the end of the test feature (if FEATURE scope is used) or at the end of each scenario (if SCENARIO scope is used). Scope will default to SCENARIO unless the web socket is created in the special Feature-Start: scenario, in which case it will default to FEATURE

For more details of the Web Sockets Handler in use with the chorus-js library

See Chorus JS

Steps available in the Web Sockets Handler:

StepExampleDeprecatedDescriptionRetry Duration (wait for step to pass)
.*start (?:a|the) web socket server Given I start a web socket server No Start a web socket server. The listening port will be 9080 if not specified in properties.
.*stop (?:a|the) web socket server Then I stop the web socket server No Stop a web socket server.
.*wait for (?:the )web socket clients? ([a-zA-Z0-9-_, ]+) And I wait for the web socket client singlePageApp No Wait for one or more named web socket clients to connect to the web socket. If more than one name is specified the list is comma delimited
.*(?:the )?web socket clients? ([a-zA-Z0-9-_, ]+) (?:is|are) connected Then the web socket clients singlePageApp1, singlePageApp2 are connected No Check that the named web socket clients are connected. If more than one name is specified the list is comma delimited
.*show all the steps published by connected web socket clients THen I show all the steps published by connected web socket clients No Show the steps published by all connected web socket clients in Chorus' interpreter's output
Web Sockets start #! Web Sockets start No Directive to start a web socket server. The listening port will be 9080 if not specified in properties.
Web Sockets stop #! Web Sockets stop No Directive to stop a web socket server.

Configuration properties for the Web Sockets Handler:

PropertyIs MandatoryDescriptionDefaultValidation
port yes Which local port the web socket server should listen on 9080 \d+
stepTimeoutSeconds yes How long the Chorus interpreter should wait for a result after executing a step on a web socket client before failing the step 60 \d+
clientConnectTimeoutSeconds yes How long the Chorus interpreter should wait to receive a connection from a client before failing the connection step 60 \d+
scope yes Whether the web socket should be closed at the end of each scenario, or at the end of the feature SCENARIO One of: SCENARIO, FEATURE