Timers Handler Details


Chorus provides a built in handler called Timers This can provide a quick way to wait for a period of time between two steps in a scenario

How to use the Timers Handler

You can use this by adding the following to the top of your feature file:

Uses: Timers

Timers adds handling for scenarios in which you need to wait for an event to occur:


Scenario: My Scenario with Timers
    Given I submit a reservation for flight VS201 in bookingClient
    And there is a free seat on the flight VS201 in reservationsManager
    And I wait for 2 seconds for the reservation to be processed
    Then I have a seat reserved for flight VS201 in reservationsManager

In the above example, the step I wait for 2 seconds .* would be matched by Timers handler

Consider Step Retry

In most cases, where you are considering using a sleep, you would be better off using Chrous’ Step Retry capability. Using Step Retry you can annotate a step method to run repeatedly for a period of time, waiting for assertions to be satisfied.

See Step Retry

This approach can make your features run more quickly, and be less prone to make your tests fail due to timing-related issues.

Some other examples

    I wait for 50 milliseconds for the message to be sent
    I wait half a second for a message to be received

Steps available in the Timers Handler:

StepExampleDeprecatedDescriptionRetry Duration (wait for step to pass)
.*wait (?:for )?([0-9]*) seconds?.* And I wait for 6 seconds No Wait for a number of seconds
.*wait (?:for )?([0-9]*) milliseconds?.* And I wait for 100 milliseconds No Wait for a number of milliseconds
.*wait (?:for )?half a second.* And I wait half a second No Wait for half a second

Configuration properties for the Timers Handler:

PropertyIs MandatoryDescriptionDefaultValidation