Selenium Handler Details


The Selenium handler provides a way to open and interact with browsers during Chorus tests.

At present steps are provided to open a browser and navigate to a URL, but the full capabilities of Selenoium are not exposed. This is because the Selenium Handler is generally used in conjunction with the Web Sockets handler and the chorus-js javascript library.

The chorus-js project allows a web app to connect to a web socket opened by Chorus and publish its own step definitions, so that test steps can be integrated within a web app. This can either be done by building chorus-js into the main web app, or by injecting a Chorus script into a web app after the page loads, using the Selenium handler’s execute script test steps.

How to use the Selenium Handler

You can use this by adding ‘Uses: Selenium’ to the top of your feature file:

Uses: Selenium

You will need to ensure the chorus-selenium extension is on your classpath if using the JUnit Suite Runner, e.g. for a Maven project:


If you don’t configure a browser in the properties, the Selenium handler will default to using Chrome Driver, which must be installed and in the PATH on the local system. Alternatively, you can add a named config for a Chrome Driver or Remote Web Driver (which enables the use of Selenium Grid)

Using the default Chrome Driver

The feature file may start like this:

Uses: Selenium

    Given I open Chrome
    And I navigate to http://my-big-single-page-app
Scenario: Scenario One
    ...scenario steps here

Configuring a Remote Web Driver

You can add properties in or to define a named browser for use with the Selenium Handler:

e.g. to configure a browser named ‘myBrowserName’ which connects to a Selenium Hub at the address seleniumHub:4444/wd/hub:


See Handler Configuration for more details on configuring handlers

Closing the browser

The browser window will be closed automatically at the end of the feauture (if the scope is FEATURE) or at the end of the scenario (for SCENARIO scoped browser configs)

For more details of the Selenium Handler in use with the chorus-js library

See Chorus JS

Steps available in the Selenium Handler:

StepExampleDeprecatedDescriptionRetry Duration (wait for step to pass)
.*open Chrome Given I open Chrome Deprecated Open a window in a local Chrome browser using the chromedriver installed on the system. Deprecated - use 'open the Chrome browser' which allows configuration
.*open the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) browser Given I open the myChrome browser No Open a window in a named browser which is defined in handler properties
.*navigate the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) browser to (.*) When I navigate the myChrome browser to No Open an provided URL in the window of the named browser
.*navigate to (.*) When I navigate to No Open the provided URL in the most recently opened browser window
.*refresh the page And I refresh the page No Refresh the current page in the most recently opened browser window
.*refresh the page in the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) browser And I refresh the page in the myChrome browser No Refresh the current page in the named browser window
.*the url is (.*) Then the url is No Test the URL in the most recently opened browser matches the provided URL 2 SECONDS
.*the url in the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) browser is (.*) Then the url in the myChrome browser is No Test the URL in the named browser matches the provided URL 2 SECONDS
.*close the browser Then I close the browser No Close the most recently opened browser window
.*close the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) browser Then I close the myChrome browser No Close the open window in the named browser
.*execute the script (.*) in the browser Then I execute the script myJavascript.js in the browser No Execute a script at the file path relative to the feature directory within the window of the last opened browser
.*execute the script (.*) in the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) browser Then I execute the script myJavascript.js in the myChrome browser No Execute a script at the file path relative to the feature directory within the window of the named browser

Configuration properties for the Selenium Handler:

PropertyIs MandatoryDescriptionDefaultValidation
driverType yes Defines the selenium driver type, e.g. CHROME, REMOTE_WEB_DRIVER, EDGE, CUSTOM (if specifying a custom webDriverFactoryClass) REMOTE_WEB_DRIVER One of: CUSTOM, CHROME, EDGE, REMOTE_WEB_DRIVER
webDriverFactoryClass no Set the implementation class for WebDriverFactory. Supply a fully qualified class name. Class must have a nullary constructor and implement WebDriverFactory org.chorusbdd.chorus.selenium.manager.DefaultWebDriverFactory
chromeDriver.arguments no Arguments to pass to the chrome browser if using CHROME driver type
edgeDriver.arguments no Arguments to pass to the edget browser if using EDGE driver type
remoteWebDriver.browserType no If using REMOTE_WEB_DRIVER, a value to pass to the remote selenium web driver to request a browser type, e.g. chrome, firefox, safari chrome
remoteWebDriver.URL no If using REMOTE_WEB_DRIVER, the URL to use to make the connection to the remote web driver or selenium grid http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
scope yes Defines whether a browser connection should be closed at the end of a feature, or after each scenario This will be set automatically to FEATURE for connections established during 'Feature-Start:' if not provided, otherwise Scenario SCENARIO One of: SCENARIO, FEATURE
driverLogLevel no Desired log level for the selenium web driver, an attempt will be made to configure this level if the driver supports it OFF One of: ALL, INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, SEVERE, OFF