SQL Handler Details


The SQL handler can connect to a database to execute statements or SQL scripts during a test scenario, using a Java JDBC driver

How to use the SQL Handler

You can use the SQL Handler by adding ‘Uses: SQL’ to the top of your feature file: There are steps provided to run a statement inline, or to run a sequence of statements from a file with a path relative to the feature directory

Uses: SQL

Feature: Sql Handler Simple Db

  Test that we can run statements on a SQL database

    First I connect to the mydb database

  Scenario: I can run a statement inline
    Given the mydb database is connected
    Then I execute the statement 'truncate table ExampleTable' on the mydb database

  Scenario: I can run a statement from a script file
    Given the mydb database is connected
    Then I execute the script mySqlStatements.sql on the mydb database    

You will need to ensure the chorus-sql extension is on your classpath if using the JUnit Suite Runner, e.g. for a Maven project:


Configuring the SQL Handler

You can configure named databases in your feature properties e.g. to configure a database named ‘mydb’ using the derby JDBC driver

sql.mydb.driverClassName=org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver sql.mydb.url=jdbc:derby:/derby/sampleDB;

See Handler Configuration for more details on configuring handlers

Closing the Database connection

The database connection will be automatically closed at the end of the test feature (if FEATURE scope is used) or at the end of each scenario (if SCENARIO scope is used). Scope will default to SCENARIO unless the database is created in the special Feature-Start: scenario, in which case it will default to FEATURE

For more details of the Web Sockets Handler in use with the chorus-js library

See Chorus JS

Steps available in the SQL Handler:

StepExampleDeprecatedDescriptionRetry Duration (wait for step to pass)
.*I connect to the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) database Given I connect to the mySql database No Connect to the named database using the connection parameters configured in the handler properties
.*I execute the statement '(.*)' on the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) database When I execute the statement 'insert into MyUsers values ("Bob")' on the mySql database No Execute the provided text as a statement against the connected database with given name
.*I execute the script (.*) on the ([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+) database When I execute the script mySqlScript.sql on the mySql database No Execute a SQL script from a file path relative to the feature directory against the connected database with given name. The script file may contain one or more semi-colon delimited SQL statements

Configuration properties for the SQL Handler:

PropertyIs MandatoryDescriptionDefaultValidation
driverClassName yes Fully qualified Class name of the JDBC driver
url yes URL to establish JDBC connection
username no JDBC connection username
password no JDBC connection password
scope yes Whether the database connection is closed at the end of the scenario or at the end of the feature. This will be set automatically to FEATURE for connections established during 'Feature-Start:' if not provided, otherwise Scenario SCENARIO One of: SCENARIO, FEATURE